Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Direct Hair Transplant Services -Delhi,India

Over the horizon and across the continents, Berkowits have been delivering quality and one stop hair transplant solution to all its inland and overseas clients. This clinic is yet another exclusive, dedicated and technologically advanced Hair Transplant Clinic, to meet your demand of most efficient and cost effective FUE Hair Transplant India. With 99% graft yield guaranteed, assisted camera attached with LED Screen for your family to see live surgery at clinic, high-end Microscopes for accurate & crystal clear Hair Transplantation assistance to doctor, two High-tech Operation Theatres, 4 surgeries in a day capacity, perfection in all the three methods of hair transplant (RDHT, FUSS, SYMBIOS), scalp Analysis through world’s most sophisticated hair analyzer, promise of 100% transparency through Graft calculator machine that calculates the agreed number of grafts extracted from your donor area, extreme hygiene and bi-Weekly events for free hair analysis and consultation at each of our clinics.

Write us at for a telephonic consultation and a no brainer guide, where you’ll discover the fusion of technology with expertise. 

For more info visit @